Sunday, 20 September 2015

What a Drama!

In literacy, we have begun to study the Shakespeare play, 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.  To get to know the very complicated plot we have been immersing ourselves in the characters through lots of drama and role play.

We became Hermia and discovered the anguish of having to marry someone we didn't love.
Before deciding to run away with our one true love, Lysander.
Demetrius, Hermia's betrothed, was not happy and gave chase, followed closely by Helena, into the woods... 
Where the fairies started to play havoc with the quartet of lover's lives.

Will everything turn out alright?  Or will this comedy turn into a tragedy?

Our New Topic

We started our new topic this week - the Ancient Greeks.  So far, we have investigated: their place in history; how Alexander the Great helped to build the empire; also the fascinating lives of the Athenians and Spartans.  

We even had an open morning on Wednesday, which invited our parents to come into the classroom to see what we're getting up to.